LMS - LAN Management System 1.11-git | ||
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First you should check your Web Server logs. Usually it's helpful to increase amount of memory PHP may use in memory_limit option of php.ini file.
There is no such possibility. Additionally, authors have no plans for such a functionality in near future. However you might try to use unofficial patch multiip which could be found in contrib directory.
Check documentation. You probably look for allow_mac_sharing = 1.
It's likely that you don't have required Perl modules installed. In this case it's Config::IniFiles that is missing. The easiest way to install Perl modules is to use CPAN extension, eg. perl -MCPAN -e 'install Config::IniFiles'.
You should post it to our mailing list. Attach your patches (preferably to current cvs version, use unified diff format) along with short description on what your code does. Eg.
$ cd lms $ cvs -z7 diff -uN > /tmp/my_patch.patchIf you're interested into joining LMS developers team, please apply on the mailing list. You should however first make a good impression and stay on the list for a while, that may prove your skills, before asking us for cvs account.
LMS adopts versioning from Linux kernel. Thus, in LMS-x.y.z we have: x - major version number, y - stable if number is even, unstable if odd, z - minor version number. Therefore, if stable version appears, eg. 1.4.0 you shouldn't expect any new functionality in this branch, 1.5.x is created instead, where new features are being put, and which might not function well, or might be unstable.
Archive of all LMS versions can be found here: www.lms.org.pl/download
You should be aware that -RC version (release canditate) are not as stable as one could expect. i.e. vestion 1.4.3 should be prefered over 1.6-rc3. "-RC" are not to be used in production areas.
Information about it is enclosed in all messages headers. You should send "unsubscribe" entitled message to lms-en-request@lists.lms.org.pl.
Quoted error appears while you run Perl scripts that needs to use external programs on some systems. Problem description and possible solutions are described in Perl manual (man perlsec) in "Cleaning Up Your Path" chapter. Simplest solution is to remove -T switch, which is responsible for the error, from the first line of the script.